Here are a few tips and suggestions for you to find input of English around you and improve your English speech:

1. Rent or buy an English movie DVD

Rent or buy an English movie DVD. Put the English subtitles on. Follow the movie.
This has many advantages:
a. You will be able to compare the written words to the correct pronunciations.
b. You will get a feel of how real English sentences are formed when speaking.
c. You will be learning English but it will not be frustrating and boring because you will be watching a movie.

2. Read about any subject that interests you

are a lot of English magazines available on a lot of different topics.
No matter what subject interests you, there must be some magazine that
talks about it. There are English magazines about Business, Brides,
Guns and Ammo, House Keeping, Stock Market, Sports, Computers,
Electronics, Linux, Graphic Designing, Cooking etc.

3. Read Internet forums of subject matter that interests you

to Internet forums of the subject matter that interests you. Generally
most of the forums are in English language and are a great source of
English input.Forums are a great source of information. Also in forums
real people talk about real problems. Most of the information typed in
forums is written in an informal way. Because of this the forums make a
good source for English input. Reading forums exposes you to a lot of
phrases of daily use.

4. Read English fiction novels

English fiction of your choice. Pick up some thing that interests you.
Take it home and read it. Be sure to look up all the new words you come
across in the book.

5. Listen to the radio and TV

are also many different radio stations available now-a-days in the big
cities. Some of these radio stations are in English. Listen to them to
get a feel of the language.

the radio, you could also listen to the "News In English". It's
available on a wide variety of channels. The news is a good place to
get input of the English language because it is spoken in a very clear,
easy to understand way.

6. Chat with fluent English speakers

with fluent English speakers real or online. Make friends with
interesting English speakers. Become pen-pals with a fluent English
speaker.While talking to them look at their lip movement for tips on
how to pronounce words correctly.

7. Most effective tip: "Think in English"

of the most common mistakes that English learners make is, they think
in their mother tongue. When they want to say something in English,
they think in their mother tongue, translate it to English and then say
it in English. The result is a very flawed English sentence. Never do

you want to speak in English fluently you will have to learn to "think"
in English. When you are constructing sentences in your mind before
saying them, think in English and form them in English in your mind.

8. Get your self some English learning software!

To help you with your English, you could get your self a English learning kit OR English learning software!

original from https://oldblog.rizkyaulya.infol

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